Children's Tooth Extractions in Eastvale, CA

We understand that extractions can be scary for little ones. Pulling your child’s tooth is always the dentist’s last resort when restoring their smile. Our compassionate team and variety of sedation options are here to make your child’s extraction as painless as possible, so they can get back to thriving health.

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Why should I choose extractions for my child?

Tooth extractions are our last resort. We always strive to restore damaged teeth through other treatment whenever possible. But sometimes, extraction is the best choice to get your child’s smile back on track. An extraction can eliminate your child’s discomfort, prevent further complications, and get them back to their normal, day-to-day routine.

Did you know…

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Wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, with more than 10 million wisdom teeth being pulled every year.

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Keep Kids Calm With Nitrous Oxide

Is your child nervous about their treatment? With nitrous oxide, your kiddo will experience a floaty, worry-free feeling that won’t leave them with any side effects.

General Anesthesia Available

Some kiddos who are medically compromised benefit from the deep sedative effects of general anesthesia. While under general anesthesia, your child will be completely asleep and unconscious as their extraction is completed in one visit.

We Treat Special Needs Patients!

No matter your child’s needs, our team is delighted to give them the tailored treatment they deserve. We take the time to understand their unique condition, personality, and preferences to make them feel comfortable, heard, and cared for.

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Call (951) 456-4646 today!

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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The Benefits of Tooth Extractions

Eliminate Their Pain And Discomfort

A severely damaged, decayed, or infected tooth can cause lots of pain for your child, and distract them from school, play, and their normal day-to-day life. After their tooth has been extracted at our office, they’ll no longer be in pain, and they can resume their daily routine without discomfort.

Prevent More Complications

If your child has an infected tooth, the infection could spread if it’s left untreated, which could result in a life-threatening condition called “sepsis.” Or, if your teen’s wisdom teeth aren’t growing properly, they could have a higher risk of tooth decay, gum disease, or even misalignment of their teeth. When necessary, extractions can help prevent some serious oral health complications.

Get Peace Of Mind

You don’t want to worry about your child’s oral health. And with proper care from a children's dentist, like an extraction, you won’t have to. Your child is in good hands at our office, and we’ll come up with a treatment plan to restore their smile and to protect their oral health as they grow up.

The Extraction Process

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Cleaning & Numbing The Area

To begin the process, your child’s dentist will clean and numb the area to ensure your child doesn’t feel any pain or discomfort throughout the procedure.

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Loosening & Extracting The Tooth

Your child’s dentist will use special tools to loosen the tooth in its socket. Once the ligaments connecting the tooth to the socket have been weakened, they will use dental forceps to grab the tooth tightly and pull it out.

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Recovery & Aftercare

Next, your child’s dentist will clean up the treatment area to ensure it heals properly. If your child needs multiple extractions, this process will be repeated. Once their appointment is over, their dentist will give you a set of recovery instructions. Make sure your child follows these closely so that they heal quickly, and avoid postoperative complications.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Usually. Tooth extractions that are required to remove damaged or decayed teeth are typically covered by insurance. However, we recommend that you contact your insurance provider and work with them to fully understand your coverage and benefits.

It’s perfectly normal for a little bleeding to occur after an extraction. The gums will soon form a blood clot within the socket and begin the natural healing process. It is very important to keep the protective clot securely in place. This will prevent a painful “dry socket” condition from forming, which occurs when the clot is dislodged and the underlying bone is exposed.

To protect the clot, gently brush the area for the first 24 hours. Tylenol, ibuprofen, and ice packs on the outside of the jaw can alleviate any pain and swelling. If your child experiences excessive swelling, shows signs of an infection, or gets a fever, contact your dentist right away.

Make sure your child avoids hard crunchy foods for at least a week and opts for softer foods instead after the extraction. This will ensure the protective clot stays intact and bacteria-free. In addition, encourage your child to drink plenty of water to keep their mouth as clean as possible.

After the extraction procedure, your child may experience some minor swelling and discomfort for a few days. By applying cold compresses to the face for 20 minutes at a time, swelling and pain symptoms will subside. If your child continues to have severe reactions or symptoms, do not hesitate to call our office immediately.

Every Child Deserves A Healthy Smile